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Death is more universal than life, everyone dies but not everyone lives. A. Sachs

Celebrating the life of...

Jan George Bender
31 December 1927 - 09 December 2012

Please take a moment to share your memories, it means so very much to us!

Latest Condolences
Viv and Pete Willett George December 22, 2012
So fortuitous the way we got into contact 2 years ago and again were therefore able to see you both this time.
You were doing a great job to look after George dear Eileen - comfort and peace be yours in Him especially at this time of the year.
Love Viv and Pete (Willett)
Lawrence & Moira Neill George December 20, 2012
Dear Eileen,

                It was with sadness that we received your email telling us of George's passing.

               He was a larger than life character especially on the farming scene.

               Despite being confined to a sedentary role in the last few years, it was a blessing that he

               remained mentally alert.  We hope that he passed away peacefully.

               Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the family at this time.

                                    With love,
                                                  Lawrence & Moira.
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1986, on the farm Winning trophy for the Best Polo Pony, New Zealand Tour, 1984
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